When you are struggling with tight or negative liquidity, or the company’s debt ratio has become a challenge. Perhaps there is a need for operational restructuring or improving the management’s efficency. In such challenging situations, there will often be a need to renew the driving energy and motivation in the organisation.
Owners and the board quickly become impatient when not everything is in order, and that is their job. It is not a defeat to bring in external experts who strengthen the current management and contribute in getting the company back in business, while the existing management focus more on the day to day operations. Doing this might be among the smartest decisions you have made – for the benefit of the company. The sooner we get engaged, the greater the chances are of achieving tangible and lasting results will be achieved.
When there is a need to realise or terminate business areas that are no longer regarded as core business, letting Recore handle this will allow management to concentrate on the core business and the future oriented part of the company.